Thursday, December 31, 2009

Skin treatment for acne

Many people are looking for the best skin treatment for acne and they thought that the best skin treatment for acne is the creams sold in the pharmacies. The constant search for the most effective treatment also means that they are spending large amount of money on products that do not work.

Instead of buying products that advertised heavily in the market which works mostly on hype, we can use natural products in our skin treatment for acne to help us solve our acne problems. Follow these 6 steps to help treat your acne now.

1. Avoid touching your face with your hand. Acne sufferers tend to have the bad habit of touching their face with their hand regularly and this will lead to more breakouts.

2. Try to add on more fruits and vegetables into your diet as it will help you to keep a strong immune system that will prevent more breakouts.

3. Make sure that you drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water daily to ensure that your body is able to eliminate toxins efficiently.

4. Use aloe vera to help you cure your acne. Aloe vera has the properties that can help deal with inflammation and promotes healing. Another upside of it is that it is affordable and does not pose any harm to your skin even with daily use.

5. Maintain a regular exercise routine and keep in mind to wipe away the perspiration to prevent your pores from clogging up. Exercising will help to maintain your immune system that can help to fight against acne.

6. Try to drink more green tea. Green tea has anti bacterial properties and it can help kill off the bacteria that causes acne.

These 6 steps are easy to implement, affordable and also effective. Your skin treatment for acne need not necessary be medications or creams, maybe all you need is to use some natural ways such that the 6 steps mentioned above. There are lots of ways to cure acne naturally but it will be overwhelming to try them all out. Just find a few ways that you feel that is effective and stick to it.


Healthy Green Tea said...

We find that so many people comment positively about the effect that green tea has on their acne and lesions. Drink at least 3 cups a day to get full benefit from this great drink.

Aku Cuma Seorang Blogger Yang Cinta Seo said...

Nice article keep good posting lifestyle on the net Multiple Search Engine

Aku Cuma Seorang Blogger Yang Cinta Seo

LeoCW said...

Good tips for treating acne. I would like to add one more: apply rice powder to your acne prone face. It is very cooling and sebum sipping.

More tips about acne can be found in Ace Tips

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