Monday, August 10, 2009

All costs of war in Iraq for USA

So far, the war in Iraq costs America more than 2 trillion. dollars and this amount continues to grow every day. A separate debate is needed to understand how much that amount. In this article we will try to break down these costs by their nature and origin:

Human costs.
The reason for starting the costs fairly straight forward. Human irretrievable loss, and they never can be monetized. To date the article was written, the war in Iraq has claimed the lives of 4,323 U.S. military personnel. The number of wounded in action or wounded in combat zones of the accident reached 31,368.

Given the frequency of the battles that U.S. forces are currently exposed to this number, obviously, is not final. In addition, the fee data were compiled from official statistics submitted to the Pentagon, which was widely criticized by the public to an underestimation of the real victims. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs - Department of the autonomous government of the Pentagon - the number of wounded has exceeded 50000.
Combat operations costs.
To date, $ 686 billion dollars were allocated for the war in Iraq since its inception in March 2003 to cover daily cash costs of combat operations, food, housing, transportation and supply of U.S. troops, the cost for the renovation, repair and replacement parts and training Iraqi forces. The amount of $ 200,000,000 is growing! every day, so that by the time you finish reading this article, it will grow by about half a million dollars! This trend will not be affected by major changes, at least until the end of 2009 in general expenses were approved in 2009 budget. Given that Obama has already announced the reduction and eventual withdrawal of troops from Iraq, it is possible to estimate roughly 130 billion rubles. still to come, provided that all soldiers will be withdrawn in 1,5-2 years. This gives a total of 816 billion rubles. U.S. direct expenditures, the costs of the war in Iraq. It also includes payment of $ 500,000 in death benefit payments, and life insurance to the families of those killed in Iraq.

Medical expenses.
These include all costs for treatment of medical problems in personnel, such as the explosion wounded arms and legs from improvised explosive devices, the historically high instances of traumatic brain damage, post-traumatic stress disorder. The group said doctors had predicted that the health of Iraq veterans could top $ 650 billion. We can also rely on data for veterans disability payments. For example, a veteran without a spouse or family that are 100 per cent of people with disabilities receive about $ 2400 a month by the Government. For 50 years, which could total more than 1.4 million dollars. Multiplying that number of disabled veterans will be added fully 10-15 billion dollars more. In addition, an increasing number of soldiers are not seeking care, they need that affects their ability to retain jobs, and that ultimately leads to higher costs invisible.

Military expenditure replenishment.
War in Iraq stretched the U.S. military dangerously thin. High levels of losses, more than half a decade has undermined the "human capital" of armed forces. Using the current difficulties in the recruitment of America will have to invest significant resources in troops to restore their pre-war level of strength, fitness and readiness. In addition, it may take more than a decade to fully recharge, and repair of military equipment and technology which have been significantly depleted by the war. Estimates show that over fifteen years of the military would need $ -375 $ 250 billion for the reconstruction of the entire armed forces.

The economic costs.
There are many economic costs surrounding the war in Iraq. First, there is the cost of deployment in Iraq, 40% of National Guard and reserve forces. Quantitative economic costs, it is the difference between civilian salary and that they would receive in their regular work and lower wages, they are usually paid in the reserves. Another economic costs of war victims. It is the individual income and their contribution to the economy in advance due to their death. Here also is the economic cost of these serious injuries, which includes the additional medical expenses, which the parties hold themselves apart from the fact that the government pays and the loss of economic services. Taking Stiglitz estimates made in 2006, and extrapolating its figures until today, we will receive approximately 200 billion dollars in economic costs that the U.S. incurred in connection with the war in Iraq.

Unrecorded expenses.
Now let's try to list the expenses that are obvious, but not quantifiable. Consider security. The war in Iraq, and, incidentally, the general instability in the Middle East has exacerbated the hatred toward the U.S. throughout the world. This, in turn, exacerbated the domestic threat of terror and made Americans less safe clearly and confidently. Of course, there are many negative consequences of this war they can not comprehend. Below is just a brief list of costs included higher ratings:
* All costs borne by other countries, including Iraq.
* The cost of planning the war.
* Prices for oil price volatility.
* The effects of loss of confidence
* Reduced demand due to anti-American sentiments (eg, loss of tourists)


Technology and Computers said...

yes.. too expensive cost to war in iraq...

♥ria♥ said...

I dont like war :(

Lata said...

what we've got here is failure to communicate... so that's why this war came up :( stop fighting each other :(
save the world even better

Saung Link said...

The war will only make people suffer

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